IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Result 2014| UG & PG Result www.iitk.ac.in

IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Result 2014| UG & PG Result www.iitk.ac.in

IIT Kanpur Result 2014 for G & PG, IIT Kanpur UG & PG Result 2014, IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Even Semester Result 2014, Indian Institute of Technology Result 2014

Indian Institute of Technology,Kanpur has organized IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Exam 2014 for B.Tech & M.Tech various technical courses. Students who have appeared in exam they are searching for their IIT KanpurB.Tech & M.Tech Result 2014. IIT organizes B.Tech & M.Tech Exam annually semester wise for all technical branches (CSE, ECE, EE, ME, CIVIL). Students can check their IIT Kanpur UG & PG Result 2014

IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Even Semester Result 2014

IIT Kanpur is a public research university located in Kanpur, Utter Pradesh and it was established in 1959. IIT conducts odd semester examination in the month of November/December and conducts even semester examination in the month of April/May months. Students who have appeared in exam, they are very excited about their IITK B.Tech & M.Tech Exam Result 2014. When students will get IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Result 2014

IITK UG & PG Exam Result 2014

Official site - www.iitk.ac.in
Instructions to check IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Result 2014
  1. Log on official web portal.
  2. Click on “IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Result 2014″
  3. Choose your Course & Semester and enter roll number.
  4. Click on submit button.
  5. IIT Kanpur B.Tech & M.Tech Result will appear on the screen.
  6. Check your result and take a print out of this.