Recruitment for Karnataka State Police Civil Police Constable 2798 posts 2014|

Recruitment for Karnataka State Police Civil Police Constable 2798 posts 2014|

Karnataka State Police invites applications for recruitment of Civil Police Constable.Karnataka State Police is going to fill up 2798 posts through this job notification.
Recruitment for KSP Vacancy Details:
No of Job Vacancies: 2798 posts.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have PUC, 12th standard, JOC, JLC, Equivalent. Fore further more particulars on how to apply, selection process, Application fee and other particulars go through notification.
Age Limit: 19 to 25 years of age as on 10-06-2014 
Age Relaxation: Applicable as per rules..
Last Date for online apply: 10-06-2014