DRDO "Scientists" Vacancy 2014

DRDO "Scientists" Vacancy  2014

Advt. No.115
Recruitment for the 105 Posts of Scientist 

RAC invites applications for the posts in the DRDS cadre of DRDO under direct recruitment Scheme as per detail given below;

Total no. of posts – 105post
Name of the post - 
  1. Scientist "F"- 13 Posts
  2. Scientist "E"- 18 Posts
  3. Scientist "D"- 18 Posts
  4. Scientist "C"- 32 Posts
  5. Scientist "B"- 24 Posts
Qualification - B.E./ B.Tech. / Master Degree in relevant Subject.

How to apply – online through official website. Its last date is 20-06-2014

For full aadvt./ Notification - http://rac.gov.in/cgibin/2014/advt_115/advt_115.pdf