ICDS Patna for 416 Anganwadi Worker and Anganwadi
Assistant 2014
Child Development Society (ICDS), Patna
invites applications for recruitment of Anganwadi Worker and Anganwadi
Assistant. ICDS, Patna
is going to fill up 416 posts through this job notification.
no. of posts – 416
Qualification - Candidates should possess
Matriculation/ equivalent fort
Anganwadi Worker. And for
the post of Aganwadi Assistant candidates should pass VII class. For further
more particulars on how to apply, selection process and other details go
through notification.
Age limit - Between 18
to 40 years of age as on 01-01-2014
Closing date for application - 03-07l-2014
For full aadvt./ Notification -http://patna.bih.nic.in/ICDS/ICDS_19062014.pdf